
Showing posts from January, 2019

Summer Job as a Rent a Cop

For a summer job back when I was in college a security company hired me to work as a guard at a university. On my first day they had me on the midnight to eight shift.  It started with the shift commander filling me in what the job entailed.This wast interrupted with a phone call.  He hangs up the phone and orders me and another guard to go handle a complaint of a loud disturbance in a dormitory.   This school was still in session.  They were coming to the end of their finals week.  As we head over to the dormitory I start asking questions about their procedures.  At my school I never heard of campus security being called for this type of thing.  It was all handled internally by the resident assistants on each floor and head resident that was usually a grad student.  He tells me don't worry about a thing just let me handle it.  I asked if he knew the students on the floor we were going to.  He tells me "Nope. I'...