Summer Job as a Rent a Cop
For a summer job back when I was in college a security company hired me to work as a guard at a university. On my first day they had me on the midnight to eight shift. It started with the shift commander filling me in what the job entailed.This wast interrupted with a phone call. He hangs up the phone and orders me and another guard to go handle a complaint of a loud disturbance in a dormitory.
This school was still in session. They were coming to the end of their finals week. As we head over to the dormitory I start asking questions about their procedures. At my school I never heard of campus security being called for this type of thing. It was all handled internally by the resident assistants on each floor and head resident that was usually a grad student. He tells me don't worry about a thing just let me handle it. I asked if he knew the students on the floor we were going to. He tells me "Nope. I've been here 2 years and I don't know any of them."
I start asking my self what could I be walking into. Most likely it be no big deal but may it could be somebody whacked out on drugs. I knew students that used speed and cocaine to help them study through the night. Where I was going to school the security guards were armed with pepper spray and handcuffs. Some carried those big long flash lights that were really a club with a light at the end of it. We had nothing. We were just dressed in our pseudo police uniforms that had a metal badge engraved with the word 'Security'.
I like quotes from movies, books and history. Sometimes one that fits the circumstance will pop up in my head. As we enter the dormitory it was "We don't need no stinkin' badges!" Except in my case all I had was a stinkin badge.
We get to floor and I hear loud music. There were five guys sitting in a lounge area drinking beers. They were likely taking a break from studying and needed to unwind or may they already finished all their tests and wanted to hang out one more night with their friends before the summer break. This was me a week ago.
The other guard tells them: "We got a complaint about the loud music. Turn it off and go back to your rooms. The party is over" They all went back to their rooms. They had nothing to say. There was no drama. I'm not sure how my collage friend and I would have reacted. I'm sure we would have turned off the music but go back to our rooms? I think we might have laughed at him.
As we were leaving the dormitory he says to me: "See I told you it be no problem. These college pukes their a different breed. They aren't like you and me." I chuckled and considering a response but didn't. I thought it be best just to leave it alone.
Cool story, I like it.